(704) 243-7106

Calculate your BMI!

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a ratio of a person’s weight and height. The Learn2Lose BMI calculator provides an estimate of a person’s degree of obesity. It can help you determine if the amount of excess weight you are carrying puts you at risk for various weight-related health problems.



(704) 243-7106

Calculate your BMI!

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a ratio of a person’s weight and height. The Learn2Lose BMI calculator provides an estimate of a person’s degree of obesity. It can help you determine if the amount of excess weight you are carrying puts you at risk for various weight-related health problems.

More About BMI

As a general rule, as your BMI increases above the normal range, your risk of weight-related health conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, infertility, and certain cancers also increases. However, BMI is not an accurate screening tool in all individuals. Since BMI is essentially a measurement of height vs. weight, people with a lot of muscle and low body fat might have a BMI in the obese range when they are fit and healthy. Body fat measurement is a more accurate way to screen for obesity.

If your BMI is above 40 an extended Health for Life program could help. Using Health for Life many patients have lost over 100 lbs.


FAQs about BMI

The calculator will show your BMI and where this number lies on a relative risk scale. Your body fat percentage is more of an essential piece of information when determining the validity of your BMI assessment.

  • If your BMI is in the Overweight range consider our Trim and Tone or New You Programs
  • If your BMI is in the Obese range consider our New You or Health for Life Programs
  • If your BMI is above 40 our extended Health for Life program could help. Using Health for Life many patients have lost over 100 lbs

*Disclaimer: Medical weight loss programs are individualized to meet the specific needs of each patient. Individual results vary.