Medical Weight Loss

Balance Hormones

Proven Results



(704) 243-7106

Check out our patient success stories!



(704) 243-7106

Check out our patient success stories!

Patient Testimonials

Are you tired of struggling with diets that don’t work? At Learn2Lose, we’ve helped thousands of patients achieve real, lasting weight loss results. From shedding stubborn pounds to improving health and confidence, our personalized programs have transformed lives. Read their stories and see how we can help you too!

Patient Testimonials

Anu: 40 lbs. Weight Loss*

By |December 6th, 2013|Categories: Patient Testimonials|Tags: |

I’ve always struggled with my weight. When I was 10 years old, a fellow student told me I was “fat and ugly” and since then I’ve owned that label. I have tried all kinds of weight loss techniques: from a cabbage soup diet to Weight Watchers; from working out 1.5 hours a day to starvation. Nothing provided a sustained weight loss. I came to Learn2Lose on my 45th birthday. I felt that I was in the worst shape of my life.

Michelle: 26 lbs. Weight Loss*

By |November 7th, 2013|Categories: Patient Testimonials|Tags: |

Early this year my co-worker started the Learn2Lose Program and even though I was skeptical, I decided to give it a try. April 11, 2013, marked the start of my weight loss journey and my first meeting with Jean Marie. The Learn2Lose Program was different because it gave me an easy place to start.

Anu: 40 lbs. Weight Loss*

By |December 6th, 2013|Categories: Patient Testimonials|Tags: |

I’ve always struggled with my weight. When I was 10 years old, a fellow student told me I was “fat and ugly” and since then I’ve owned that label. I have tried all kinds of weight loss techniques: from a cabbage soup diet to Weight Watchers; from working out 1.5 hours a day to starvation. Nothing provided a sustained weight loss. I came to Learn2Lose on my 45th birthday. I felt that I was in the worst shape of my life.

Michelle: 26 lbs. Weight Loss*

By |November 7th, 2013|Categories: Patient Testimonials|Tags: |

Early this year my co-worker started the Learn2Lose Program and even though I was skeptical, I decided to give it a try. April 11, 2013, marked the start of my weight loss journey and my first meeting with Jean Marie. The Learn2Lose Program was different because it gave me an easy place to start.

*Disclaimer: Medical weight loss programs are individualized to meet the specific needs of each patient. Individual results vary.