Hi, I’m Dr. David Croland and this is my story about my struggle with weight gain. Today, my patients trust me to guide them through their own weight loss journeys. My own personal weight loss success story was the inspiration for creating Learn2Lose, a place where customized Charlotte weight loss plans are made with consideration to each patient’s health concerns, physical makeup, and goals.
I was one of those kids who couldn’t gain weight for the life of me. Growing up, I was short for my age and was uncomfortably skinny. Even during medical school in my late 20’s, my 5’9″ frame carried no more than 150 pounds. It wasn’t until my late 30’s, early 40’s when my luck changed. Before moving to Charlotte, I had a Family Practice directly across the road from a new Krispy Kreme store. I was never really a sweets lover, but that quickly changed. I started to crave it daily. Started first thing in the morning with my coffee. And the weight started to accumulate. Around 2003, I moved to Charlotte to take a job with Carolinas Healthcare Urgent Care. I worked 12 hour shifts and started eating late and going to bed soon thereafter. From the kid who couldn’t gain weight, I turned into the 5’9″ dude approaching 200 pounds!
Needless to say, I was “fed up”! So I thought back to med school where the wisdom of the day was this; ‘all you need to do to lose weight was eat less and exercise more’ and ‘a calorie’s a calorie’s a calorie. Low fat diets were all the craze and Dr. Atkins was still ridiculed by mainstream medicine. So, I did what I learned in med school. I cut my calories, worked out 3-5 days per week and limited my fat intake.
And my hunger increased, my weight didn’t change much but I did feel some benefit from increased exercise. Around the same time I was working with some nurses who were melting away before my eyes. Turns out they were going to a bariatric physician who utilized weight loss techniques that went against the wisdom of the times. At his suggestion, I joined the American Society of Bariatric Physicians (now known as the Obesity Medicine Association) and learned a whole new paradigm for helping patients lose weight and get healthier. Around 2010, I became certified by the American Board of Bariatric Medicine. Oh, and in 2006, I started following my own recommendations and dropped 30 pounds in 3 months!
As my weight loss medical practice became more popular in the Charlotte area, I discovered that I could better serve existing and new patients by offering aesthetics and cellular regenerative treatments to help men and women with sexual difficulties. Who doesn’t want to feel younger and healthier as they age? I feel and look much better in my 50’s than I did in my forties. Technology and modern medical treatments are continually evolving so that we can all feel great at any age! Helping my patients look and feel their best is my goal. And now there’s RenewWave, a new treatment using acoustic soundwaves to improve male erectile function.
Ready to look and feel years younger? My patients and I experience lasting and noticeable results with the treatments we offer here. I’m here to guide you! Call me or contact me via the form on my website.
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