Weight Loss Blog

Low Impact Activity for Weight Loss

Low impact activity is exercise that puts minimal pressure on the joints in your hips, knees or ankles. If you are struggling with your weight, this type of activity is perfect for you, especially during medical weight loss. Low impact activity gets your heart rate up without causing too much stress on your body. It can be relaxing at low intensities and beneficial towards your overall weight loss goals.

Controlling Emotional Eating

There are plenty of reasons why you might eat, other than hunger—you’re bored, stressed, anxious or angry and trying to find relief—but eating for those reasons is not only detrimental to any weight loss goals you may have, but it often leaves you feeling worse. After you’ve finished eating, the original emotional issue is still there, and on top of that, you may even feel guilt for overeating.

Obesity Tied to Memory Loss

It’s no secret that obesity can lead to severe health problems. The physical effects of obesity have been well documented to include diabetes, heart disease, respiratory problems, and increased risk for stroke. But now researchers say that obesity may also affect your mental health.

Lose Weight with Home Workouts

Stronger muscles, lower stress levels, better mood, a more athletic physique—these benefits come with a good workout routine, but you’ll need more than just a few trips to the gym to experience them. A strong fitness level is something that must be built slowly and steadily, improving incrementally as we introduce our bodies to new and harder challenges.

Carving Out Time for You

Living a healthy lifestyle takes time. No one is going to pretend that it is quicker to go home and cook a healthy meal than it is to stop at the drive thru. This is why eating on the go has become such a problem in the United States. We are busy people, and fattening fast foods are easier in a time crunch.

Bringing Weight Loss Home

Though your weight loss center in Charlotte may be where your weight loss journey started, it will not be the only place that plays a crucial role in your progress. Because our habits are strongly influenced by our environments, learning how to surround yourself with a healthy atmosphere can be a valuable strategy in losing weight.

Eating Slower for Weight Loss

During medical weight loss, you’ll definitely pay more attention to the foods you eat. Along with initially evaluating your daily caloric intake and making adjustments to it, you’ll also make changes to where those calories are coming from. In support of your weight loss, reducing calories from snack foods, fried foods or sugary foods will help.

Creating an Exercise Schedule for Weight Loss

Throughout your weight loss journey you’ll be encouraged to make a number of changes to your lifestyle. From getting more sleep to choosing healthier foods more often, you’ll be encouraged to develop a number of habits that will support a healthy weight and way of life.

Learning to Love Nutrients

Nutrients are the sustenance of all nourishment. They are essential for optimal health, growth and vitality. However, nutrients are not something your body can produce on its own. To thrive, you need to provide your body with certain levels of quality nutrients daily. The best way to do this is through your diet.

Communicating your Weight Loss Goals

A strong support network can become a valuable resource during your medical weight loss program. A support network is often comprised of a group of friends, family members, co-workers and others who have had similar experiences to you. This is a place you can turn to for inspiration, motivation and encouragement. Sometimes, members of your support network will even have personal insight or an experience they can share to guide you past an obstacle.